Calistoga Paranormal Investigation

Case Background

Last month we received a call from a woman who believed she was seeing her deceased parents in their vacated home that they used to live in. Her parents had died within 6 months of each, with the last passing away in June of 2011. Since they had passed away the home and all of its contents had remained unchanged. She periodically checks on the home during the week the and sometimes notices shadow figures, and unexplainable voices. The house is located on a vineyard in the Napa Valley, away from busy streets, which makes the noises and sounds that she was hearing even hard to believe that it could be caused by non-paranormal forces. The daughter nor the rest of the family had ever experienced anything in the house that was paranormal until the parents had past away.

Paranormal Investigation

The team arrived on location at 9pm and surveyed the house with EMF detectors for about two hours to see if there were any electromagnetic disturbances that could be causing the daughter to be having the experiences that she was having. After doing so we were unable to pick up any unusual readings, as the base only fluctuated between .5 to .9 Milli Gauss. We then conducted several EVP sessions in combination with a EM meter to see if we could get anything, however we were unsuccessful. The only thing that happened was that several investigators smelled what appeared to be phantoms odors of roses and cigar smoke.

Our sensitives without any prior knowledge of the case did pick up on the causes of the deaths of both parents and believed that there was spiritual energy there, however it was residual as opposed to an intelligent nature.

We advised the client of our inconclusive findings and will reschedule a future investigation if the activity increases.